
416 E. Erwin Dr. White Ash (Fraxinus americana) Fraxinus americana, the white ash or American ash is a handsome tree native to eastern and central North America. Frequently used for parks and other large areas, the white ash is a good example of two botanic characteristics. First, it is one of a small number of trees with leaves in an opposite arrangement instead of the normal alternate arrangement. And second, the leaves are pinnately compound, that is, leaves that consist of multiple

446 Vescovo Dr. Sugar Hackberry (Celtis laevigata) Celtis laevigata is a medium-sized deciduous tree native to North America. Common names include sugarberry, Southern hackberry, or in the southern U.S. sugar hackberry or just hackberry. It can grow 50-70 feet tall and is fast growing with a rounded vase crown. The hackberry is a good shade tree perfect for urban yards as it thrives in full sun to partial shade. It. tolerates salt, periodic flooding, urban pollution and drought. It is tolerant of

458 N. Perkins Rd. Southern Catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides) Catalpa bignonioides is a species of Catalpa that is native to the southeastern United States. Common names include southern catalpa, cigar tree, and Indian bean tree. Catalpa is a medium to large, deciduous tree with an irregular, open-rounded to narrow-oval crown. Leaves are ovate to ovate-oblong leaves (to 12 inches long) are pointed at the tips and rounded to cordate at the bases. Leaves are light green to yellow green. Flowers can be a

363 Vescovo Dr. Red Maple (Acer rubrum) Acer rubrum, the red maple, also known as swamp, water or soft maple, is one of the most common and widespread deciduous trees of eastern and central North America. Like its cousin the Sugar Maple, it brightens the fall throughout the northern, midwestern and northeastern states with its dazzling colors. But northern specimens are not identical to its southern brothers and so colors and intensity vary by region. Most early growth, including the petiole, or

4658 Johnson Cove Red Buckeye (Aesculus pavia) Aesculus pavia, known as red buckeye, is a small, deciduous tree or shrub that may grow 15 to 25 feet tall. It is quite ornamental in spring when tubular, red flowers appear in 6 to 8 inch upright clusters that last for about a month and attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Flowers are followed by 1 to 3 shiny brown seeds which are eaten by squirrels.The attractive palmate leaves usually fall by the end of September.

241 Avon Rd. Pecan (Carya illinoinensis) The pecan (Carya illinoinensis) is a large deciduous lowland tree that grows 75-100 feet tall with a large, rounded spreading crown. Trunks mature to 2-4 inches in diameter.  Flowers give way to sweet, edible nuts. Each nut is encased in a thin husk which splits open in four sections when ripe in fall. Pecans are an important commercial nut crop in the U.S. Most pecan commercial plantings are located in the southern U.S. It bears nuts within

401 Avon Rd. Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida) Cornus florida, the flowering dogwood, is considered an aristocrat of small flowering trees because of its four-season character – spring flower, summer and fall foliage, and winter appearance. It’s an understory tree, frequently wider than tall. An excellent landscape choice, the dogwood is a favorite in many yards, gardens and public areas. Its flowers bloom in April and May, usually before the leaves. The flowers themselves are actually tiny, greenish-yellow in color, and bunched into

4741 Princeton Rd. Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) Juniperus virginiana, known as eastern red cedar, is an evergreen, aromatic tree with trunk often angled and buttressed at base and narrow, compact, columnar crown; sometimes becoming broad and irregular. Pyramidal when young, Eastern red cedar mature form is quite variable. This evergreen usually grows 30-40 ft. but can reach 90 ft. Fragrant, scale-like foliage can be coarse or fine-cut, and varies in color from gray-green to blue-green to light- or dark-green. All colors

4744 Normandy Lane Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) Cercis canadensis, the eastern redbud, is a harbinger of spring throughout most of eastern North America due to the clusters of pink or purplish-pink flowers that bloom in April, about two to three weeks before its unique heart-shaped leaves. The flowers appear on leafless branches and are followed by waxy, bronzy to reddish purple new leaves that soon turn a dark, almost bluish green and may assume yellow tints in fall. The leaves of this

4722 Princeton Rd. Common Witch-Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) Hamamelis virginiana, known as the witch-hazel, common witch-hazel and American witch-hazel, is a native small tree or large shrub with fantastic fall attributes. Yellow, fragrant flowers bloom from October through December. Attractive foliage in all growing seasons with leaves bright green in spring followed by yellow to yellowish-orange colors in fall. The fruit is a hard woody capsule about a third to a half inch in length, which splits explosively at the apex at maturity

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