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    Valentines are no longer just for people!(The Lorax would wholeheartedly agree.)This Valentine's Day, the Avon Woods Arboretum invites you to show your love for trees by sharing a "Happy Valentine" to your favorite tree or to the Avon Woods canopy of trees.Take a photo of:A tree,A group of trees, orYou or you and friends/family with a tree.Or, draw a picture of:A tree or trees, orYou or you and friends/family with a tree.Or, write a poem:About a tree(s),To a

    3 minutes that will make you appreciate trees and the life lessons we can learn from themDid you know a tree gets stronger as it sways in the wind? We all know that trees are alive, but we don’t often think about how they change as the grow, or how they create environments for other living things. Arborist Wes Hopper, Natural Resources Manager for the City of Germantown, shares his enthusiasm for trees and woodlands, and tells us some life

    416 E. Erwin Dr.White Ash (Fraxinus americana)Fraxinus americana, the white ash or American ash is a handsome tree native to eastern and central North America. Frequently used for parks and other large areas, the white ash is a good example of two botanic characteristics. First, it is one of a small number of trees with leaves in an opposite arrangement instead of the normal alternate arrangement. And second, the leaves are pinnately compound, that is, leaves that consist of multiple

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